in view of kat's latest entry about ugly fotos (which i
still think looks ok) and her desperate plea to know about ppl's life, i've decided to keep u guys updated about mine lousy and meaningless one.
As many didn't know, i've deleted my blog. Soon after i deleted it, some SOB who either had the same idea as me or had serious spelling issues (maybe he meant laxatives i dunno), re-upped the site and turned it into a porn site. That site has nothing to do with me. It has since been taken down and is under review from blogger.
In case many are still in the dark, i'm currently slaving my time working in the gahmen sector as a relief temp, covering a HR portfolio. For all those who is majoring in HR (this means u jacq), best of luck. you'll need it.
it is also at this place where i met past teachers like mr peh (yes, the one who demands you to raise ur hands perpendicular to the floor) and our favorite alexis tan (by this time if u still dunno where i'm workin at you can go and die alr). As a matter of fact, i'm having lunch wit her next week. she is pregnant and will be giving birth next month liao. so tell me of u wanna leave her any message.
i heard from mr peh tat our mother praeman have since resigned as a teacher to become a full time housewife.
i guess tat's all i hav. ciao.
p.s anybody got tuition lobang? i desperately need $$$ to fund my july overseas trip