Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend. - Albert Camus
Sunday, September 23, 2007
The wedges are making me feel hungry....
Is it illegal to disparage the classic work of Leonardo Da Vinci? Haha. If you say creative-fy that work....... I am sorely tempted currently. Meanwhile, MORE Faces@ Kat. Without sauces! I can still make faces! HAHHAHA.
Kat,the smiley face is u created one or wat? Anyway,im juz dropping by to say hi n to say jiayou to everyone coz i think everyone is so so so busy with their sch stuff! :)
Monday, September 03, 2007
And so I continue writing in hopes that some people will notice and add on.
The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart - Katherine Mansfield.
Our Box
There are heaps of things I would like to do, but there is no time to do them. The most gorgeous ideas float before the imagination, but time, money, and alas! inspiration to complete them do not arrive, and for any work to be really valuable we must have time to brood and dream a little over it, or else it is bloodless and does not draw forth the God light in those who read. - Letter to Mrs. T. P. Hyatt (1895) George William Russell.
If the Gods would only inspire me a little more vigorously I would write no end, but as it is I have to sweat over my work, such as it is, and often groan that I never have a chance to do it properly. - Letter to Mrs. T. P. Hyatt (1895) George William Russell.