Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.
Walk beside me and be my friend.
- Albert Camus

Friday, December 03, 2004


hahaz... am kinda/a bit bored. (ok... understatement) sh, have this feeling that we'll dominate the blog. considering that most of them have jobs and the two of us are still buming around. anw, it's strange that the more you sleep, the more tired you feel.

before i slept last night, happen to be staring at my calander. and i realised how uncertain the future seems. remember when we used to belong to some institutions like pri sch, sec sch and jc? and at this period of time during the hols, we'll be trying to:
(a). squeeze in time to catch up with as many people as possible
(b). postponing doing holiday homework for like the 10th day and coming up a list of people to copy from when sch reopens
(c). counting down to the day that sch reopens and hope that day never comes
(d). CCA CCA and more CCA
(e). slack!! (if we can still find the time to)

while we still do most of the things and i totally enjoy this period of freedom, it's just different.

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