Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.
Walk beside me and be my friend.
- Albert Camus

Thursday, June 09, 2005


Hello people! It's been a loooonnnnng time since I leave a tiny weeny trail here. I suppose most of us are starting school soon (with the obvious exception of the guys) and god knows how and when we will meet again. You know those Hong Kong dramas and American shows where they have those high school gatherings and at there everyone seems to be a different person. Imagine that! Maybe then if we happen to have Mrs Praeman at our gathering, she probably not wearing her maternity-looking dress but those working suits. Ok that's not explosive enough. Maybe Ms Jillian Lee will not be sporting a short crop but long silky hair. Haha. Anyway just some random (and funny) thoughts above. No matter your choices or what paths you may take, just want to wish all the best to you. We are not going to be judged only by a piece of paper. Going to say bye bye to the teenage years and hi to the RaRa years. Good Luck!!

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